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Jesus Follower, DroneDude,

and Vinyl Collector

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I think those three statements say it all! Droning and photography are my passion and I love being outdoors. You can find me in the water, exploring, traveling and enjoying The Lord's creation in my free time! I am always looking for new opportunities and more community so lets link up!

Get to Know Me Better

Me again @Piercegainey.JPG
Me @piercegainey.JPG

It all started with a disposable camera many years ago when my mother gave it to me for a class field trip. From that moment on, my love for photography has only grown! I now shoot photos from the ground and all the way in the air via my drones. 

A little more about me for your reading pleasure. I am always doing something whether that is crafting random things (beer, soap, candles...),hanging at the beach or enjoying a beer with friends. I currently am 28 years young and am based in Sunny South Florida (SOFLO for the hip ones). I love it down here. The saying goes, "we live where you vacation". 

Photography came to me naturally. I always had an inclination with photography and what you could capture with a camera. I used to just film my daily shenanigans with friends from a GoPro that was gifted to me. 

Me in GIF form.gif


From there, it only progressed. More film cameras to more professional cameras, and my room slowly started to look like the camera and tech aisles of Best Buy. Then my love sparked a new direction: DRONES.

As soon as these things came out a few years ago, I was on a mission. I saved and saved and saved until I could finally purchase a drone. At that time, I had to install my own gimbal (device that holds the camera steady) and attach my GoPro to it. It had no live view, no crazy sensors to avoid objects or any cool features that are on all of the new drones. You would have to strap the GoPro on and click record and hope you got the shot.














Since then, I’ve gone through many drones, both upgrading and crashing, and my love for photography has grown exponentially. Drones give a unique perspective and can make an ordinary view from the ground look like an extraordinary view from the sky! I used to get jealous of birds since they always got this view, but my drone has helped make this view possible for me.


*GIFs above were shot on my vintage Super 8 Camera

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